EHS – Electro Sensitivity

By Richard Kimberley

EHS is an acronym for Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity which is a physiological condition. Symptoms, both neurological and immunological, occur and/or intensify during or after exposure to electric/magnetic fields (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

An EHS person will experience recurring illness and symptoms when exposed Electromagnetic Radiation sources. The symptoms vary between individuals and often take considerable time to fade once the person has been removed from the source. Full recovery from the condition is unlikely.

Causes of EHS

A person will become EHS after an over exposure to the microwave radiation emitted by any of, and not limited to, the following:

  • WiFi
  • Mobile phones (GSM, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc.)
  • Cordless telephones
  • Bluetooth
  • Wireless keyboards & mice
  • Mobile phone masts (base stations)
  • Wireless baby monitors
  • Smartmeters

Symptoms of EHS

Symptoms vary considerably between individuals, however in most cases it is very difficult to identify the link between the symptoms and the cause. Most of today’s current medical professionals are oblivious to the condition and even more concerning, they’re oblivious to the fact that microwave radiation is dangerous and is a Class 2B carcinogen.

Misdiagnosis by the medical world is very common. Often passed off as Lyme disease, ME, MS, stress, dementia and even old age, to name just a few. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Disturbed sleep at night
  • Aches in joints and muscles
  • Heart palpitations
  • Concentration problems
  • Feeling of being in a daze – brain fog
  • Poor memory
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Skin rashes and blemishes
  • Ears ringing – tinnitus
  • Irritated eyes
  • Migraines
  • Altered moods – aggressiveness
  • Facial burning sensations

People don’t listen

People are now mostly addicted to technology, especially their smartphones. Anyone can see this for themselves by observing a traffic jam where most drivers will be doing their best pigeon head impression whilst trying to use their phones whilst driving – which is against the law. Yet they still partake, because they are addicted. There is no phone call or text message that is worth risking the life of other road users – yet people happily do this every time they drive their cars.

Explaining to people that their technology addiction is making them ill generally falls on deaf ears. If you tell a heroine addict that his drug is harming him, he is unlikely to stop taking it.

Microwave radiation cannot be seen, heard, smelled or touched. This fact alone is generally enough for most people to convince themselves that it doesn’t exist and therefore cannot harm them. However, I very much doubt that you’ll find anyone stupid enough to volunteer to stand in a hospital X-ray machine for an hour. The reasoning is simple – we are told that x-rays are dangerous, therefore we accept it. We are sold mobile phones, WiFi routers, Bluetooth headsets, etc. and therefore assume they are perfectly safe to use. What we are not told is that these devices are in fact untested technology. The guidelines devised back in 1998 that are currently used in the UK as a ‘safe limit’ for exposure were not designed for this purpose. They simply protect tissue heating damage, not the radiation effects.

Smoking and asbestos were once perceived as safe. In the not too distant future, wireless technology will be in the same category as these. Why everyone is waiting to count the bodies before something comes to fruition is beyond comprehension. A WiFi router was recently released with “pregnancy mode” – this should ring the biggest of alarm bells to every single person bathing themselves and their children in WiFi..!

Diagnosing EHS

Diagnosis of EHS can be difficult because the last thing anyone is going to do is link their symptoms to the electronic devices that have been around them for years with no apparent negative effect. Especially as said devices are in fact very convenient in their functions.

Visualise a glass, filling up with liquid under a tap drip by drip. You are the glass, the liquid is the radiation. As the glass fills up, no mess is made, all seems well. This is the “oh it doesn’t affect me” stage. However, as the liquid reaches the rim of the glass, a mess is about to happen. It’s at this point where your symptoms show up and you become ill. Once the glass overflows, you’re in real trouble. How do you stop the mess? Remove the glass from the tap. No more mess is being made and a tiny amount of the liquid will evaporate. Put that glass back under the tap and after a drip or two, the mess starts again. The only real cure is removing the glass from that dripping liquid.

Once you are aware of the symptoms of EHS, only then can you look at yourself, your health and your environment. This is when the links will be made and the jigsaw puzzle of what’s going on gets put together. This is assuming denial doesn’t take over.

How to live a healthy life with EHS

There is no magic pill to cure EHS. It is a complete life changer, and to live a healthy life, you must completely change your life. Most EHS people have hung in for as long as possible before accepting change has to happen. The longer it’s denied, the harder it will hit. I spent 20 years building my computer business and only in the last three years did it actually make good money. This is also when EHS took over and after persevering for as long as I could, I realised I had no choice other than to walk away from the world of technology – for good.

Neither money nor a career is more important than your health. EHS demonstrates this very clearly.

Educating people

If I am asked by someone about my EHS, I will begin to tell them. If I get the glazed over look, I change the subject because it’s a waste of my breath. However, when someone shows genuine interest in the subject, I will talk to them for as long as they want and go into as much detail as appropriate.

The sad fact is most people do not want to know about it and certainly don’t want to accept it. Most will listen, appear shocked by it, and then carry on their daily life with their phone on their head, tablet on their lap and bathe themselves in WiFi, completely discarding what they heard earlier that day.

Intelligent people do listen, take notice and act upon their new found knowledge. It’s always a pleasure to hear back from people at a later date to find they started turning their WiFi off at night, or they don’t carry their phone in their pocket anymore and have since found their health has improved dramatically. I’m delighted to say, I have received this sort of feedback from people.

Support for EHS people

EHS affects a lot of people. Over 5% of the UK population are diagnosed as EHS (which is more than the number of UK wheelchair users!) and up to 35% show the symptoms but have not linked it to the cause.

There are now some superb online (ironically!) support groups for EHS on Facebook and there are people such as myself around who will talk about EHS, offer help and support and even test your home or workplace for EMF and EMR levels. Not only do we have to look after ourselves, but we owe it to our children and animals to look after them. No child of today is going to thank you in years to come for destroying their brain and body with microwave radiation and “I didn’t know” just won’t cut it as a reason for mutilating them.

Here’s some useful links and information:

EMF Vehicle Shielding

Tyre Degaussing

EHS support groups.

EHS Related Books.

EMF Protection & Metering

Richard Kimberley.





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